development kit; S805
mvo_: there's also the option of copying it from a desktop. When you get to the Grub Menu, there should be a menu that allows you to select your boot device.
I actually have all kinds of connections on a mobile phone
Is it your phone that you want to work on, or are you connecting to a computer that you have access to?
it's just a phone
I don't have anything to connect to
I'll have to re-install it
Ok. Good luck then. You're better off trying to find an existing build then working on building your own.
PatrickDickey: this seems like a nice idea
PatrickDickey: what is the policy to contribute my own build to the bzr branch? if it is ok to do so, I will do it
PatrickDickey, I'll be back, I'll find another mobile phone
mvo_: I'm not sure about that. I've not run across the issue before. But, I guess if you have the install media, you could try it out.
PatrickDickey: yeah, that is what I will do
mvo_: If you do that, I would appreciate if you could use the current wily kernel instead of the 3.19.0-15-generic kernel.
|Slacker|: Well, if you don't have anything to connect to, you'll probably want to just go with the 5.2.0 build.
PatrickDickey: i.e. the one in 14.04 and 15.04?
PatrickDickey: ok, I do that then
mvo_: Yeah, wily and vivid are the only two that I know of right now. I think that wily is the correct one.
|Slacker|: after the phone boots the kernel will be a bit different than what we have now, its a bit easier to test then
|Slacker|: but please be careful, flashing phones is tricky
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